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(1 edit)

Love the new update, drop box integration is a dream and I love being able to set monster hp after adding to the initiative.

Quick question, is there a way to add more categories to the compendium? I really want a place to store info on npcs/locations across all files.

Keep up the awesome work!

Edit: also is something up with the compendium? When I create a new item it doesn't save it in the list but when I try again it says that the item already exists. As a workaround I can edit an item and use that as a template and that saves it to the main list. Also some of the scroll menus are a bit buggy on ios

We are very happy to hear that!

We don't have anything yet for additional categories for the compendium. But we have gotten plenty of request for an NPC system. We'll be expanding on that one in a future update.

Thank you!

Thanks for the reply!

also is something up with the compendium? When I create a new item it doesn't save it in the list but when I try again it says that the item already exists. As a workaround I can edit an item and use that as a template and that saves it to the main list. Also some of the scroll menus are a bit buggy on ios

Apologies, looks like one of the recent updates broke the sliders. It looks like the category for the item is not matching the text and is probably being added to the wrong list. The items is being saved and added that's why you can edit and cant add a new one.

I'll ship out a fix as soon as I can. Thank you for this!

I figured it was something like that

Good stuff!

(1 edit)

Hey there! I've been using your app for quite a while and it's saved me a ton of work. I love how interactive and intuitive it is, and it makes everything much more accessible. Integration with Dropbox was something I was really looking forward to, but there seems to be a limit on how many people can access the token, and the limit has already been reached. 

Is there a way you could increase the limit? I tend to write my adventures on my laptop and then download them on my tablet to run them and this was the only thing it was missing to make it perfect. I've tried my luck at uploading them directly through the app but the upload always fails halfway through.


(1 edit)

Hi, very happy to hear that the app is helping you. Yes, we will apply to dropbox to increase the user limit. 

Upload fails maybe caused by connectivity issues or dropbox might be full.

You can also try to simply directly upload the actual data folder from you local hard drive to your dropbox and then download from your device. Simply copy the whole epicGM folder (found in your "local app folder" /Gavelsoft/epicGM) 

Additionally, if you could give me a bit more detail about your case, it would help me improve the dropbox sync feature. I just need the number of files and the rough size of the files.


Hi again. The Dropbox issue has been resolved... I can sync my modules just fine now. Thanks for the hard work!

Just one little thing. The new audio sliders cover the bottom of the audio menu, blocking the last 2 or 3 sounds in the list. Other than that the app is just perfect the way it is right now.

Hi! Is there any way to clean up my entire compendium before importing an XML? I speak portuguese, so I made my own compendium on my language, but when importing I get almost all the creatures repeated, in two languages. And there is no way to select them to delete in a group, so it would be very hard to delete them one by one. Thank you!

Hi Lucas, 

If you use the same name, your creatures should overwrite the pre-stored ones. If you want to hard reset the compendium, you can follow the steps below:

  1.  you open the resource folder at your local app folder/application support: 
  2. navigate to Gavelsoft/epicGM/Resources/ 
  3. delete the myBestiaryCompendium.xml file
  4. import your compendium

Happy gaming!

(1 edit)

It worked! Thank you for your help! And I'd like to make a small suggestion: the application does not support the letter 'ç' or accents like '~', when you use it, it changes the font to a much larger one. It would be great if it were not so! Once again, thank you! :D

Other suggestions:

1 - Implemenentation of an "Environment" field in the creatures sheet, as well as the possibility to search for this field in the creature menu (as it is already possible to filter by CR and type);

2 - Import compatibility of the "Environment" field of FC5;

3 - Ability to delete or rename the app's default sounds;

4 - Import compatibility of FC5 "Skills" and "Saves" fields (currently the epicGM only imports the first skill or save and ignores the following);

5 - Implementation of an "NPCs" menu (I have been making my NPCs in the creature menu, but it would be easier to manage in an individual menu).

Thank you!

1. What's the requirement for the account creation e-mail?

2. Are we suppose to be able to login with account?

3. Is this the official "Support Page"?

now account locked, for trying to login with account.
which account is locked? lol

Great app. I plan to support once I can create an account..

Hi! The account should unlocked after 5 minutes. You can create an account in-app with an email and a password. This will allow you to connect to the Gamesparks server. 

Do note, this is not connected to

With that said, we are currently developing a Dropbox-sync to really open up cloud and storage options. Its still heavily in development though.

Thanks for the reply.  What's the formating limitation of the mail? gives me an "invalid email". (sample email above has similar caps and numbers of the actual email used.  I've also tried all lowercase, same error.)

embarrassingly enough on how we missed this, but it will work if you type everything in lower case. Please let me know if this works for you. 

With that aside, I would like to share that we are working on a big Dropbox sync update. You will be able to load and save campaign packages, images, sounds to and from dropbox and local HDD with a built in browser. 

With Dropbox, this should allow you to save files that are much bigger than what our current cloud services can handle.

Import XML gives Dropbox error:cannot access url. Dropbox works ok on eg DM5.

Hi DM_Unseen, the "cannot access url" usually means that there is a network connection issue. Besides having intermittent connection, this can also be caused by an error in the URL address or perhaps the files has been moved/deleted. 

You can send me a copy of the link so I can see if there is any issue with the end from dropbox. 

is there a way to import new music and sound effects?

Yes, you can easily import music by adding *.ogg music files into the "sound" folder. (*.mp3 are supported on mobile devices)

The sound folder is found in your local app folder (this changes depending on your system)

"LocalAppFolder"/Application Support/Gavelsoft/epicGM/Resources/Sounds/

Inside you can categorise sound by dropping it in the appropriate folder:

AMB - ambient

BGM - background music

SFX - sound effects and is categorise into Animals, Monsters and Various.

Drop sound files in any of the folders and epicGM will automatically add it when next run.

Love the program! But I have one issue. If I am altering a module entry and decide to edit or create a monster entry, one of my module's subentries is reverted back to the blank subentry template. That's not a huge problem, since I can just close the module entry without saving and reloaad it at it's previous saved state. But I figured I should give you guys a heads up! Again, thanks for the program! I am running a massive homebrew, and this has made things 100x easier (not too mention impressive when I bust out the maps and music)!

Thank you this is very a valued feedback, I'll look into fixing this. 

I'm glad to hear that this is really helping you out with your dm-ing :)

Hello, I'd first like to say that I love your app so far. 

I was just wondering what the process is for keeping campaigns up to date on two devices. I have Windows and Android and at the minute it looks like I have to be deleting and re-downloading campaigns if I make changes on either device, am I missing something or just doing it all wrong 😅

Any advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated. 

Keep up the great work. 

Hi thank you for your comment! We plan to revisit syncing campaigns in a future update. :) But currently, besides the package system, you can copy and paste the folders and files directly from windows to android and vice versa. 

I have both the Mac App and the iPad app, but I cannot log in with either version.  I obviously can login to ''   But the exact same login credentials do NOT work on either app.  It keeps giving me the error "Username and/or password not recognized".   How can this be fixed?

Hi you will need to log in using the App's login page. It uses a different server from Itch.IO

Yes, I have been trying to download your app for my computer. I tried it for my phone and liked it, but I already have everything  for my campaign set up on GM 5. But they don't do computers, so I wanted to download this. I downloaded the .zip file and extracted it. I tried to open the app and it read as follows,

The code execution cannot proceed because UnityPlayer.ddl was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. 

I reinstalled it twice, and both  times it did the same thing. I tried looking for a "how to" file in the folder, but couldn't find one. If you could just tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.

We'll upload a new update, but the DLL file is normally shipped in the zipped folder. 

(1 edit)

I've been using EpicGM for a while now and absolutely love it. My only issue is I'm unsure how to add music to the program. I've done it before on my tablet but I cant seem to figure it out on PC. 

additionally what kind of audio file can be added to be played?


Hi, I have been using your program for the last few weeks and today my laptop died while i had it open. Once i turned it back on and re-opened the program all of my adventures for my campaign  were gone. not just the work i completed today but everything. Please get back to me soon as i am quite a fan of this program but have lost weeks of work.

Hello Sir,

 I am very sorry to hear about your computer mishap.  Files shouldn't normally be affected by a crash, we can only hope that your files are still there but just can't be read. 

The files are kept in your local app data folder.

For windows :

For Mac:

You can use the above links to find the folder, typically placed in [Local App Data]/Application Support/Gavelsoft/epicGM/Resources/

There will be a Modules folder that holds all the module content. I am hoping that the crash simply disconnected/your local app folder and the crash didn't clear out your files. 

Feel free to reach out to me directly on my email, so I can reach out to you faster.

Hi, the PC uses the same file folder system. But Windows automatically stores system files in the local App Data Folder.

Please see the link on how to find the proper folders.

For windows :

For Mac:

You can use the above links to find the folder, typically placed in [Local App Data]/Application Support/Gavelsoft/epicGM/Sounds/

There are 3 folders inside:

AMB for ambient music, BGM for any music, SFX for sound effects.

As an additional limitation, the files must be *.ogg format. Unity doesn't provide free codecs for PC apps.

Is there a way to have multiple rosters of players? It seems like the same Roster is used across multiple campaigns.

On that note whenever I back out of an adventure back into the menu it reverts back to the first adventure of the first campaign on the list regardless where I was. This could use with a fix to allow for quick changes during play.


Thanks so much for dropping by Arthusii, we're releasing an update with some quality of life changes that includes recording the last selected campaign. 

But for roster, there's currently only one active roster for now, though thanks to you, I can see that having different rosters per campaign could be useful. For now, in case you aren't aware, you can use Players to save characters and quickly add them to the roster.

Sounds good. Yea it would be handy to have separate rosters as most campaigns run with different characters and even the ones that don't tend to have the characters at a different stage in their life.

As for the players tab, I did discover that shortly after writing this but ran into some trouble with it. I set up all my players but when I imported them into the roster it didn't transfer their initiative, ac or other stats, just their name.. :/ 

Thank you for your message, we've released a new update. That should fix issues with the players. Please let me know if you still face the same issues as above with players. 

But I will implement your suggestion about campaign specific rosters in a future update.

I couldn't get my login to work and my account locked. Will it automatically unlock?

Nevermind! For anyone else curious, it unlocked after about fifteen minutes and let me try a few more times. Finally got in, too.


I'm loving the latest update! being able to add spells and magic items is incredibly helpful.

I do have a query though. In the Windows version of the app, is there a way of changing the location of the game's data directory to somewhere other than AppData? I use a PC and a tablet and being able to put the data folder in OneDrive would save me some copy/pasting, at least until you're able to implement the cloud-based solution.

Everything is looking more amazing with every update though! keep up the great work. You've single-handedly made running my first campaign several times more organised than it would have been without.

Thanks so much! There's no way to change the target directory yet, though stay tuned. I'm currently working on developing a cloud storage system. :)

I think what you can move your folder from AppData to OneDrive and make symlink in AppData folder. That's tricky but must work.

(4 edits)

Hi, I'm back with another load of requests :D

  • The value tag from the XML files is not added to the cost field in the compendium (once this works, please check whether importing the Sane Magical Prices XML works)
  • In the edit window of a compendium entry the text in the fields will be in front of other GUI elements
  • The fight Club XML files contains numeric character references ("—" , "•" etc). Epic GM does not yet interpret them correctly.
  • In longer initiative lists the view will jump back to whoever's turn it is, every time I make a change to a creature (reduce Hp,....). This can get annoying if I have to make changes to multiple creatures.

And finally:

  • Please add some way to automatically sync the resources folder via Cloud services

Hi, again thank you for the feedback :) 

We'll work those in eventually. Our main goal coincides with your last requests which is to build some sort of cloud/backend support. This is a new thing for us though, so this will take time to learn and develop.


I just poked around in version 1.5.5 and it looks great. You guys are doing awesome work.

I noticed a couple of things though:

- Importing an XML file for Fight Club is weird. After importing the file the monster tab in epicGM will only show the monsters from Aarakocra to Atropal even though the actual MyBestiaryCompendium.xml-file contains all the monsters. (Additionally the entire process seems pretty clunky.)

- Rolling initiative without the "One Initiative"-option doesn't add numbers to monsters of the same type. The numbers should be added just like with the option to make it easier to tell the monsters apart. (Also please think about adding 0000 to the first monster of a type for a more consistent look)

- Adding multiple monsters of the same type is clunky as Initiative opens automatically and then you have to go back to the monster list to add another one. Could you maybe add a slider to determine on how many monsters of a type to add to initiative?

-Please add a way to delete individual entries from the initiative list

- Please add a confirmation window to deleting the initative list

- Please add a way to organize the player list by groups

(1 edit)

Hi there!

Would it be possible to see your fight club XML and bestiary XML? Also, I agree with the clunkiness of the import system, the longterm goal has always been to integrate with a form of file server/sharing system.

Noted on the monster name on initiative and for adding multiple monsters, and clearing the initiative list.

Dragging the hp bar of characters on initiative to 0 will give you a delete menu to allow you to delete characters one by one.

Regarding organising players by groups, would you say adding a field for player groups and sorting players by that field would work for your needs?

Again, thank you for your feedback :)

*Edit: I've looked into this and you may have some duplicate entries in your XML. I'll deploy an update soon to check for this. But if you can, I would still like to see your xml files. Much obliged!

(1 edit)


Wow that was quick. Thanks a lot. :)

Yes a field for player group would be perfect.

Well I'm not sure how to send you my Bestiary XML but I imported "CorePlusUnearthedArcana.xml" from  here. After I ran into problems, I deleted the Gavelsoft folder from Users\*\AppData\LocalLow and my installation folder and tried importing to a clean install -> same problem. So the only thing that was present before importing was the preinstalled stuff.


I just checked in 1.5.6 and the issue is still present.

Thank you, your feedbacks have been  very helpful. The latest patch should fix the issue with FC XML. 

The rest of the changes will need a bit more revisions and will probably come in a future update.

No, I have to thank you. ;) I can confirm that the latest release fixes the issue.

One more request though: Could you add a search bar to the compendium at the top level, so that I don't have to chose a category to search in? That would speed up searches when I know what I'm looking for.

Yes, we can add that in the next update. 

(1 edit)

Soy un DM desde hace poco, y tampoco es que haya jugado a muchas partidas antes. Pero siempre se puede aprender. Encontrar este programa me ha supuesto ser más ágil en las partidas y gestionar todo mucho mejor. Por todo esto, muchas gracias y felicidades por el programa.

Por otra parte, tengo un pequeño problema en la versión para PC, y es que no puedo arrastrar las entradas sobre los mapas. He probado de arrastrar el número de la entrada, el nombre, usar los distintos botones del ratón, pero nada ha funcionado. Quizá aún lo esté haciendo mal. No lo se.

Y otra cosa que quería preguntar es si tenéis pensado en el futuro  hacer algun patch para traducir el programa.  Seria genial.

Gracias, nos complace saber que nuestra aplicación te ha ayudado con tus juegos :)

Para arrastrar, puede arrastrar entradas de módulo y caracteres desde la Iniciativa al mapa. Asegúrese de desbloquearlo haciendo clic en el botón grande Módulo e Iniciativa.

Por favor, avíseme si todavía tiene problemas.
Con respecto a las traducciones, esto es algo que eventualmente querríamos hacer. Por ahora, sin embargo, trabajo solo en este proyecto y se trata de equilibrar el tiempo y el esfuerzo. Con suerte, podré ampliar este proyecto en el futuro.

Thank you, we are happy to hear that our app has helped you with your games :)

For dragging, you can drag module entries and characters from the Initiative onto the map. Be sure to unlock it by clicking on the that large Module and Initiative button. 

Please let me know if you still face any issues. 

Regarding translations, this is something we would eventually want to do. For now though, I work on this project alone and it is a matter of balancing time and effort. With luck, I will be able to expand on this project in the future.

No había caído en el bloqueo de los módulos (^.^)U Gracias, ya lo he solucionado ;)

I just downloaded the latest version (1.5.4) and now, it doesn't work on my desktop D:

It always gives me this response:

Switching to resolution 640x480 failed, trying lower one
Switching to resolution 640x480 failed, trying lower one
All resolution switches have failed
Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (640x480 fs=1 hz=0)

Any help?

Hello Kiresaur, 

Please try this options:

Find your epicGM.exe and right-click on properties. Then go to compatibility and select ' disable full-screen optimalization'

You may also try to reintall/update your drivers.

Please let me know if this solves your issues.

Thank you!

That option doesn't exist D:

I'm using w7. My options on that tab are to run in compatibility mode, run in 256 colors, in a 640x480 res, to disable visual themes, disable desktop composition, disable display scaling on high DPI settings, or to run this program as administrator.

My computer doesn't support visual C++ redist 2017. I am aware that this is a problem in running many, many applications. Maybe a recent update requires the use of that?

I looked further into this, apparently this affects certain win7 versions. Unity has declared this to be a bug on their system and that it affects many other games built on it.

Hopefully, Unity doesnt take too long in deploying a fix. We will be updating our system and will be releasing an update once the issue has been resolved.

In the meantime, Ive also read that for some users, updating windows may resolve this issue. 

Is there any chance I can acces an earlier build of the desktop version?

I will let you know. We are currently updating to the latest version of Unity. Hopefully this will fix issues with you, if you are keen I can give a copy of the beta version of the next update but this may still have bugs as we are still testing things.

Hey there! Your app is absolutely wonderful, thank you very much for all the efforts you provide in order to enhance our DMing experience!

I am wondering though: it seems impossible to add accented letters in the newest version (such as "é", "è", "ê", "à", "û" and so forth... It's very annoying for some languages (specifically French in my case). Any chance we can use this special characters in the near future?

To anyone interested though, I have found a work around: work on a word processing software with the usual accented letters, then copy/paste into EpicGM. It works just fine, but patching this would be really appreciated! :)

One last thing: being able to type words in bold or italics would be super useful too. :)


Thank you for the feedback. We'll add a wider font support for the next update :) 

The latest update allows for bold and italics with <b></b> and <i></i> tags for content text for modules and traits for bestiaries. We are still working on improving the UI to add more options. 

Thank you!

Thank you for your quick answer and glad to know we'll soon be able to type directly our texts in EpicGM! <3

(3 edits)

First of: Amazing App! Love to use my laptop as a DM Screen.

But I have a problem with the map feature: Whenever I have more than one Map they show up next to each other and its a bit distracting (screenshot for reference). Am I doing something wrong or is that just how its suppose to look?

Thanks Lirion!

Yes that is how it is supposed to look for now. This was implemented this way to support a variety of screen sizes. 

I take it that you would prefer to only have one map visible, if we would make a change to this, would you prefer to:

a:) have blinders on the side to fill up the space to only allow for one map.

b:) hide the rest of the maps

Love the look and feel of the program.  Wondering... does this have a way to also track conditions for players or for creatures?  Or perhaps a "Notes" field to add to a particular entity so that in an encounter, it would be easy to just mark things like a condition or other relevant info on the fly?

Hi! There is currently no method to do so. That is something we can add in a future update, although we are still working on upgrading the compendium to support spells and custom items.

I realize this is 5.0 but any chance for 3.5 support....... :[

Pretty high chance to have 3.5 support in the future. The app was intended to support multiple systems, although admittedly, 3.5 rules is pretty hazy to me now. I will need to relearn 3.5 rules first :) 

omg plz!

As a new DM I want thank you for the amazing app. However I have a question on how to update on PC. This is the first I've downloaded this kind of AP any advice would be appreciated

Glad to hear that you are finding a use for it :) 

You should be able to simple overwrite the older files. App data are all contained in your OS's App Data area and is usually separate from where the app files are located. To be sure, you can make a back up of the files. 

On windows, you can follow this link on how to find your App Data folder:

thanks again the app is awesome

Great app! But after  update russian letters turned into squares. And i can't even type in russian. Could you bring back сyrillic, please?

Apologies, we did not expect that.  But, thank you for joining us from Russia. We'll work at deploying a quick fix for now. Besides the desktop app, do you use either of the mobile version? 

(1 edit)

The same situation on iOS . Here's a screenshot. At some places cyrillic  works fine.

Thanks sir! We will be deploying a fix within this or next week.

Eu não sei falar português. Porém utilizo bastante a ferramenta de vocês tanto no PC quanto no smartphone. Eu sinto falta de uma aba para gerenciamento de NPC. 

Vocês tem previsão de colocar uma aba para NPCs?

hello, I had not considered that, but that is important part. do you have any features that you would like to see supported for npc?

olá, eu não tinha considerado isso, mas isso é parte importante. você tem algum recurso que gostaria de ver suportado pelo npc?

Very, very, very promising (and might be a much better experience on mobile) but I think it needs a lot of work before I'd consider shelling money for it.  Basic features are just simply missing:

On the x64 Windows version the tutorial comes to a step where the description of the tutorial step falls off the bottom of the screen.  There's no way to continue the tutorial.

There's no way to zoom the map except by double-clicking it, and then using an obtuse calculator thing.  Resizing the map by typing new X/Y size causes the map markers to be placed in the wrong place.  Resizing the map by using the +/- tool doesn't update the X/Y size.   Can't use number pad to enter numbers, you have to click the numbers in the very-frustrating-calculator-thing.  I would expect that I could use +/- on my keyboard, or the scroll wheel.

Lots of spinboxes that function "upside down" and seem like they were designed for mobile but then never re-purposed for desktop.  Clicking the up/down arrows on the spinboxes doesn't work, you have to drag the values up and down, and can't type values in manually.

Pressing "Add" next to Creatures in an Entry does nothing as far as I can tell.

ESC and DEL don't function as expected - ESC should cancel the current action, and DEL should...well...delete!

Lots of flyout menus (double clicking an Entry for example brings up a useless menu that asks if you want to edit it or delete it...). 

It's definitely aesthetically pleasing, and I think this has incredible potential...but the UX needs a lot of work, and for a tool that is 90% dealing with the UI, that's disappointing.  Please take this as constructive feedback, as I think there is a lot of potential and would really like to see this tool get better.

Hi Srsobieraj,

We highly appreciate your feedback and will work on your suggestions :) 

Some things to note, at least until we can release a new update. The spinboxes work with the mouse wheel if the pointer is over the numbers. Pressing Add on creatures in an Entry adds them to the Initiative tracker. 

Regarding catching "esc" and "del", this is a really solid feedback. We'll make a pass to try to really make use of the keyboard.

Wanted to start by thanking you for this app, as a new DM it's been invaluable for keeping my campaign notes organised and for running encounters.

The latest update is excellent, especially the portrait mode for phones.
Is there a way to turn on the portrait mode in the Windows version? I often use the app on a Windows tablet or side-by-side with another app so it would be useful to have an option of using it.

We are very happy to hear this sir :) 

Currently, there is no way to activate the portrait mode on windows. We will look into this for a future update, I am slightly concerned because it may not offer enough screen space if we just enabled the current settings as is.

(3 edits)

I've just started to play around with this and it seems very comprehensive.  I look forward to putting my information in and trying it out next session.  Im having a few dificulties though. 

1 The module I'm running has some specific bosses and  I tried adding a Creature.  It pulled up a generic  monster form but, only certain feilds were editable.... I couldn't change some key things like, Size, Alingnment, monster type, base stats....

It was very odd, the monster type seems to be randomly generated sometimes, and other times it just came to the same type over and over.  either way, I couldn't controle or change it.    Do you have any tutorials on how to do things like this?  If I look at monsters by type, then click on the type i want to add, and click add I get a blank form with at least the type right, but I still can't change the other items and it defaults to size tiny. 

Also if it has more than one attack type I couldn't see a way to  indicate that IE 1d8 bite and  1d6 scratch.   Though they could be put under traits.  

2 I created the module in the PC version then tried to move it to the Android version.  I uploaded the Modules aml file to dropbox and created a shared link.  When i enter that link into the android version it says that the file is not recognized and to check the file type.  I copy and pasted the link to be sure that I was not typing it incorrectly.  

3 And finally, the header for the speed area says subtype instead of speed.  Thats a very minor bug, but could get confusing after you enter the speed and the prompt text is gone. 

Thank you,


Hi StormQueen, 

Thank you so much for sending us feedback.

1. The stats you indicated are controlled by scrolling or dragging with mouse or finger.  :) This has confused many users so we will be adding an indicator for this. You are correct with the trait and the damage dice. Though we may revisit adding a better way to add damage dice.

2. That is indeed strange, would you mind sending me the dropbox share link so I can check?

3. Thank you for this :)

1) ah thank you! yes that worked. my creatures thank you!


And thank you for the quick responce.



I was able to successfully import your module. 

Be sure to change the address to:

The one tells Dropbox that you want to download xml rather than opening it with a browser. 

You are most welcome :)

(2 edits)

Ah! That I did not know.  so, yeah some tutorials or instruction sheets are going to be needed.  I'm very very versed in writing instructions for.... nubes.  ;> let me know if you want help with that.  

Next...... is there a specific format for map imports? I can brows to the pics, but i can't click on them to actually load the files.  It works in the android version but not pc. 


Thank you for the offer, we may look you up for that XD Currently, we are still heavily modifying the software to match user feedbacks :)

Regarding images, you should be able to open up pngs and jpgs.  May I know the images you are having issues with? Is this on a windows system? 

(2 edits)

Loving your work, the app looks slick and works really well for simple encounters, a couple of comments however:

1. The pc client could do with some way of selecting a quantity of creatures for an encounter, I can't seem to get any more than 1 to be set right now (nevermind, have found it - echoing the earlier comment that the pc could do with slightly different control to the mobile versions!)

2. Some sample XML or xml schema would be nice - I'd be up for trying to put a converter together from some common formats, but some kind of sample provided with the program would be helpful.

3. Some kind of versions on the download files and in app for the desktop version would be great so I know if I need to update. Less of an issue for the phone obviously!

4. In app upgrade mechanism for the desktop version.

5. Some way of linking my accounts, perhaps some kind of link to my dropbox account on my phone and pc to prevent the need for manual importing/exporting (again I may be missing something).

6. Echoing the earlier sentiment that we could really do with some ability to scroll in from a main adventure map into some kind of sub-modules with their own map and entries. The current system is great for high level planning of an adventure, or for individual sections, but I suspect that trying to run a whole campaign will end up with needing a massive number of modules.

Thank you sir, we are very happy to hear that it is helping you with your games. We highly value user feedback as that is what drives our development for future features. 

1. Copy that sir, we are increasing the sensitivity of the scroll bars to react to mouse wheels in the next update. 

2. Excellent advice, we will add that as an extra downloadable here. 

3. Thank you, this will be in the next update. 

4/5. This will be a longer term change, but definitely solid requests that we would like to develop.

6. We are creating an option to have multiple "campaign" files with their own set of modules/adventures. We will be adding the feature to switch between modules/adventures within a campaign as well :) Hopefully this will help with managing hardcovers and long-homebrew campaigns. :)

Many thanks for the quick turnaround, I shall have a poke at some of the new features now :)

I absolutely love the program. I have been waiting so long for a PC app for DMing that actually fits with what I need!! However, I am having issue with creating a monster Stat block, but it disappearing when I go back into the module. If I have attached it to a module event, the name is still their, but it isn't in the creature compendium and I cannot add it to the Initative traker. Am I missing a step needed to save them properly? (Everything else is amazing though!!) :)

Thanks, can you walk me a bit more with your issue sir?

First, what system are you using it on? Android/Windows/Mac/iOS

The fact that you could drag the monster to the module means that you were able to save it, is that correct? But you wont be able to add it in if the monster data doesnt exist. Can you tell me the sequence of your actions sir?

The app is looking good on Android, I'll have to try the desktop version this weekend. Is there any data on the XML format used to import?

What type of data are you looking for? Empty files or no modules  will only contain the XML tags in the exported file.

I ask because I tried to import a file I was sent that works with FighClub 5 that a friend uses on his iPad. EpicGm jsut gave an error and loaded nothing. I wanted to a template to see how the data needs to be formatted in the XML file

During my session yesterday I noticed that on the desktop version rolling initiative for multiple creatures of the same type always gives the same result for all of them.

Besides that the app remains to be an awesome tool

Hi I did that intentionally because usually DM would prefer to run monsters of the same type at the same time. Do you need an option to have each of them on their own initiative count?

Thank you for the positive words!

Hi, thank you for the answer. Yes I would prefer for each monster to have their own initiative count. For me personally this is the main reason to use a digital initiative tracker in the first place.

I can see however why you made the choice you did. So yes having an option would be awesome.

Thank you I will add this in the next next update. This is because the current one has almost finished the testing phase and is being prepared for deployment. 

Nice! You guys are awesome :)

This Program is truely amazing! Currently working on my own campaign and it works really intuitive. Could it maybe be possible that certain maps are linked to pins. For instance, when I have a dungeon in my world map, indicated by Pin 1, as soon as i click Pin 1 it automatically opens the map of the dungeon? That would be amazing. Also maybe a forum for user-generated content?

Thank you so much! 

Admittedly, that sounds complicated to work in but doable. But to clarify your request, instead of opening a journal/module entry, tapping on the pin would linked to a different map image instead?

Regarding a forum for user-generated content, that is a big thing that we want to bring in. We are still currently seeking advice from WOTC though as legal content may become an issue there. 

I understand the legal implications, I hope you can figure it out! 

About my pinrequest, yes! That's exactly what I mean. If I have my Goblin dungeon somewhere on my map, it could be nice if, when I tap on the pin "Goblin Dungeon", it automatically scrolls or gives a shortcut to it's map. Just a little thing that would help with user-comfort. I'm looking forward to what this app becomes, I think you have an amazing opportunity on your hands!!

Best of luck!

I love this program. Very intuitive. My only issue is that I'm not very tech savvy, and I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to import anything. I found the dropbox file I want, but every time I attempt to import it says it's in the wrong format? I'm probably overlooking something obvious, but it would be fantastic if someone could help me out.

Mine is doing the same thing.

(1 edit)

So far I really like the set up of this. I've been looking for something like this to help with campaign running so I can use my phone or tablet to track things and build without having tons of stuff  all over. The one thing I was wondering is if there's module downloads you can get for pre-built stuff like the curse of Strahd campaign, or tomb of annihilation just so I don't have to spend all the extra time uploading and reorganizing when I want to run a quick pre-built. 

Definitely hoping to bring this in. Working to gain WOTC's approval on this as there is the issue for legal content and copyrights. But we will try to come up with a workable solution either way.

Thank you for the positive words!

So far I'm loving this app - the only requests so far would be, if possible, could you add the ability to move subentry items to the map? i.e. Entry 5 - A_cavern_01 has subentry 1, 2, 3, 4 etc per room - can we get a 5_1, 5_2, 5_3 or something similar, to be able to pin on a per room basis for the map that's uploaded?  Alternately you would need to create a new campaign per dungeon to pull it off.. and the other being (at least in PC mode) you can drag a pin off of the screen, and then you aren't able to retrieve/remove without either deleting the map or the Module entry..

Great work so far though, keep it up!!

We appreciate the feedback sir. We will look into your requests and will work on adding a fix for pins being dragged off map. We hadn't caught this one and this feedback is highly valuable. 

We are working on a new update where saved files can have chapters and entries. This might work with what you are trying to achieve. We will be deploying this update after our session of testings :)

Thank you so much sir!

I love this app! For the PC version, is there a way to make it so the mouse can scroll better. As of right now when you do a full circle on the mouse, you only go about 1/16" on the screen. It takes forever to get to the bottom. I finally figured out you had to click and drag to move, but the mouse functionality would be better. Thanks!

We hear you on this one sir. We will be adjusting the scroll areas to allow for better mouse wheel sensitivity :)

I'm blown away, this changes everything. This is exactly the kind of tool I've been looking for but haven't wanted to resort to using Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds when I'm playing at a table. 

I look forward to trying it out this Sunday. Is this safe from DMCA takedown so I can hope for its popularity and success, or will this be my best-kept DM secret?

Thank you for the kind words :) 

As far as we know, we only use Open 5e Content and do not offer any copyright materials and content :)


Great tool that will make my gming a lot more smooth! I do have a few suggestions to make it even better:

- Syncing via OneDrive (and similar); Creating content is far more comfortable on a computer

- Release as a UWP-App via the Microsoft Store for easy updates.

- Integration of external music players/spotify playlists

- Ability to add multiple maps at once and ability to change their order in the program

- A way to set advantage on initiative for the classes that get that feature

- Encounters per subsection

- Arrows and text boxes to set enemy amounts on a computer

Thank you for the feedback sir! 

We'll try to add those in future patches :)

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